Big Savings To Be Had By Comparing Car Loans
There are an increasing number of new cars on the road every year and as a result the second hand market is also expanding. Many people now change their car regularly, so the car finance industry is now huge and can be confusing. When you start looking at cars, whether used or brand new, you should also think about how you will finance your purchase. The key to finding car finance appropriate for your circumstances is to do your research thoroughly and shop around. While it may seem easier to accept the car loan offer from the dealer, this may not be the best option. It is best to make sure you get a written quote from the dealer then you can then look at other sources, such as internet companies, for competitive deals. When comparing loan offers check that you are looking at similar loan products. Headline interest rate or monthly repayment figures do not always tell the whole story when it comes to getting a loan. The Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is usually the first thing to look at...